one our before they arrive arrange all the equipment in the brooder close all Openings of the brooding house turn on the hit source you are using (stove or charcoal or lamps etc) Cover the litter properly with the newspapers don't let any litter on cover that the chickens will Eat. Arrange all the feeders with the feed in side If are broilers serve them with broiler starter mash.
If are layers serve them with chick mash If are cockerials also serve them with chick mash if are noilers you can dicede starter mash or Growers mash (will talk of this in future) Also arrange the chick drinkers with the water inside put any antistress (antibiotics) In the water according to manufactures instructions. Or used sugar or glucose in the water (will discuss about this when I come to health management) All this should be not less than an hour before there arrival so as the water and the feed Should be relatively with the room temperature. TRANSPOTING THEM.
Never transport them in the afternoon. I mean from 12 pm transport them in the morning Or evening (will know why if I come to health and management) THE ARRIVAL OF THE CHICKENS Open the box and put the in the brooder and be counting them do it carefully don't rush When finished uploading them in the brodooder take the cartoon far away from the broder House or born them immediately (will discuss way at health and management) Watch the behavior of the chicks in the broder and look for this 4 things
1. If you notice the chicks are spread evenly some a lying down some are eating Some drinking some are around source of hit that's mean they are OK there is no Problem
Will continue Abubakar MD CEO FARMINCOM NIG LTD WHATSAPP farmincom Agricnote 08057338919 Facebook page farmincom Agricnote