Desiases of poultry And it's Prevention Chickens are very vulnerable to diseases.
Farmers can, however, keep away diseases through proper feeding, housing, hygiene and regular vaccinations. Some poultry diseases can wipe out an entire flock or reduce the chickens' production potential. The wet season has increased incidence of chicken diseases. Poultry farmers should therefore need to remain alert to guard against disease outbreaks. The first line of defense against poultry diseases is prevention. Since farmers may not know the characteristics of each of the diseases that may affect their poultry flock, it is always important to ensure chicken are protected against the most common diseases mainly through vaccinations.
Apart from vaccination, it is important for farmers to know what causes most of the chickens’ diseases so that they can maintain their chickens’ health. The main causes of diseases in chickens are: • Microorganisms • Parasites (both external and internal, like worms). • Malnutrition (poor feeding) • Injuries • Chemicals (e.g. sodium chloride-salt poisoning).
Hygiene: Maintaining hygiene is one of the most important steps a farmer can take to prevent diseases in their poultry flocks. The poultry house should be kept clean at all times. Ensure that the chicken droppings are swept every day. If possible, apply a disinfectant regularly to kill any disease-causing germs or viruses.
Housing :
A chicken house should be well ventilated to allow air circulation, but the house should not allow wind as this may affect the birds. Ensure there is adequate space in the house for all the birds to avoid overcrowding. The floor should preferably be cemented for easy washing and sweeping. It should also be lined with wood shavings to keep the birds warm and comfortable.
If keeping layers, ensure nesting boxes are provided and built in a dark place where the hens are free from any disturbance. An ideal house should give each bird at least 2 square feet of space to move