Basic hygiene is your first step for prevention. Make sure your poultry house are clean and dry.
Avoide the mistake of most poultry farmers If your chicks have been vaccinated against coccidiosis, do not give them medicated starter feed, it will simply cancel out their vaccination. But you can used this is very efective. Used pawpaw seeds ( yayan gwanda) cure intestinal worms and Coccidiosis, which responsible for over 50 per cent of poultry deaths. To cure worms, scientists gave chickens three grams of powdered pawpaw seeds for every kilogramme of live weight. Treating coccidioides requires a higher dose over a longer period of time.
Crush the seeds and either mix them with feed or water. Also Control rodents since cocci can be transferred by rodents (although it doesn’t infect them). Clean waterers and feeders every time you refill them. Keep bedding clean and dry. Abubakar farmincomwhatsap 08057338919