Since cheap imports from Brazil, USA and Europe have cornered the African poultry market, are there still any lucrative opportunities for local entrepreneurs?
There appears to be a glimmer of hope! Of the two major poultry products (meat and eggs), egg production holds a lot of promise for African entrepreneurs.
While it may be relatively easy to smuggle poultry meat, eggs are much more delicate and have a sensitive shelf life. Poultry meat production may still have opportunities for local African entrepreneurs.
However given the stiff competition from cheap imports, this is likely to be a very risky business venture unless you have a guaranteed niche market or exclusive supply contracts.
Egg production holds a lot of opportunities and less competition from foreign imports. Did you know that Africa’s population makes up more than 15 percent of the world’s population but contributes less than 5% of global egg production.
The upside is also quite promising. On the average every year, only 2.2kg of eggs are eaten per person in Africa. This is much below the world average of 8.5kg per person per year. There is indeed a lot of egg eating to be done in Africa, and a lot of production too! (photo credit: As our population increases, and the size and earning power of the African middle class grow, the demand for poultry products is bound to put a lot of pressure on the already limited production.
Households, restaurants, processed food producers, fast food businesses, bakeries and confectioners constitute a large chunk of annual egg demand and make very good potential targets for a small scale egg supplier.